Diverse teens and their sisters

white background with multi-coloured image of woman in dancing pose. black letters across image reads You bring the distant near.
A diverse generational teen read
image of young Asian-American teen girl in white jumper and jean shorts writing in book on bed. small things stuck to white wall behind her. black cursive letters above her reads 'To all the boys I've loved before.'
A teen drama like no other!!
four couples in the four quarters with different seasonal backgrounds, rain, snow, flowers and sun. blue green background. white letters in middle reads Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck things.
An engaging teen read
two young teen girls standing together in white t-shirt and jeans and pink spotted pants and blue crop top. blue, pink and green behind them in background with map notations. white letters above girls read Lulu and Milagro's search for clarity.
A fascinating teen read

I hope you all enjoy these reads. I leave you with a quote I thought encapsulated that unique bond of sisterhood for me!!

Stay safe and keep reading

four book cover images inside two frames. behind them is leafy swirly green pattern with brown shadow. top right inside inverted arrow shape is text 'Diverse Teen Reads.' top left image of two teen girls standing together, dark skinned with blue jeans and spotted pants and t-shirts. blue, pink, green behind them and white letters above reads Lulu and Milagro's search for clarity. left bottom image of Aisan girl on bed looking up, black letters across white wall behind her reads in cursive letters To all the boys I've loved before. top right image of multicoloured woman in dance pose in white background with large black letters at front reading You bring the distant near. bottom right image of four young couples. green and blue background. white letters in middle reads Drizzle, dreams, and lovestruck things.
Diverse teen reads for you

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