Pride, prejudice, and other flavors by Sonali Dev

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June is for Sisterhood and Sisters

banner in pink to yellow background. image in centre of author with baby sister on orange chair. large S in pink with red heart image inside. text 'is for... Sisters' just underneath the S. images of pink and red flowers on left side.
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Marilla of Green Gables by Sarah McCoy

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The Moonlight School by Suzanne Woods Fisher

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The Bridge to Brilliance by Nadia Lopez

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Mind over medicine by Lissa Rankin M.D.

Hi everyone, this week’s post is another adult non-fiction read that had a profound impact on both myself and my mother. My mother has even recommended it to many people over the last few years and we believe it has served them the same way it did for us; in being an inspirational read. I hope you find it the same…

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Food and your gut explained

Hi everyone, this first week of July we’ll be enjoying a book I picked up not too long ago. I think I mentioned a book that my mum couldn’t put down, Eat to beat disease. She would recite bits from this book and keep going on about the way food acts inside the body and I would reply to her about this particular book I had read. We would have a healthy argument on whose was better. Why not press the button below to see if my choice was better than hers?

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Celebrating health and well-being this July

two images of fruits and vegetables inside circular shapes. middle circular shape in light green colour. background in pink to yellow shading.

Hi everyone, this wintry month of July down here in New Zealand is turning out to be colder than usual. As the winter season peaks, so do the winter ills and ailments for most people. So I thought, why not celebrate or acknowledge all those who have overcome health issues. Are you game to find out more? If you are, then press below…

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