A librarian and her sister…

pink and blue graded background with silver heart pattern across. flowery garland image at bottom left and top right edges.
cartoon girl in jean jacket in purple dress holding red book and white cup on purple bean bag. white background behind her with green under her. white letters on green box reads Miss Mahee's personal posts. blue background at edges.
My personal work
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Diverse teens and their sisters

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Six tween reads on sisters

image of girl with black hair and glasses in jean jacket giving thumbs up inside green circle. box underneath reads Miss Mahee's Booklist. light blue background around white.
Booklists for you
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June is for Sisterhood and Sisters

banner in pink to yellow background. image in centre of author with baby sister on orange chair. large S in pink with red heart image inside. text 'is for... Sisters' just underneath the S. images of pink and red flowers on left side.
Continue reading “June is for Sisterhood and Sisters”